As you try and save for a house deposit, it can seem that it's hard to save enough to build the house of your dreams. Here are some ways that you can reduce the amount you need to build you house and still get a house that suits your needs.

Reduce the trimmings

If you have a bargain hunting bent, it can often be useful to reduce the number of included fixture and fittings in the home and instead hunt out the best prices you can find through markets and second hand sales. You might be able to find unique or vintage pieces that could be real conversation starters. Equally consider which trimmings could be installed over time as your budget allows, such as backyard pools and blinds in the spare room. You might find your budget starts to have more wiggle room once you stop paying rent and trying to save for a deposit, so you can add these items later.

Use your friends and family

People will no doubt be excited to hear that you are building a house. Rather than waiting for a housewarming gift of a trinket you won't use, instead ask them to contribute to the house with labour. Friends who have trades can help in their respective fields, but even amateurs can easily bring a rake and help you plant a backyard. You can turn this into a house-raising rather than housewarming party and have the added benefit of being able to look around your home and know that it was built with the love and support of your friends and family. This reduces the amount of building and landscaping labour you'll need to bring in.

Scale down the home

While you might be envisioning a house full to the brim of children in years to come, if you are currently single, there may be little point in building a huge house right now. Instead, you can look to scale down your first home to a 3-bedroom house and look at building extensions in the future when you need more space. A smaller house can be much cheaper to build and, as such, easier to save for. It is well worth asking your builder about their range of designs at lower prices, as many builders have very competitive prices on smaller, 'entry level' homes.

If you are looking to build your next home and finding it hard to save for the deposit, be sure to look carefully at your budget to reduce unnecessary spending. You might be able to bring your dream home closer using some of these ideas. For more ideas on how to save or work with a smaller budget, you can also talk to local home builders
